Mags Pix

My Photo
Location: Holland, Michigan, United States

I'm weird, spontaneous and basically unlovable. Have a nice day.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Okay in the picture of greta and prince (the paint) look in the background at kelli. she is totally getting up on lightning herself but it looks like nicole is helping her LOL
Then I'm hanging out with strewb and for some reason nicole takes a pic! then i'm sorta looking at SOMETHING lol
and nicole and mid look SOOOO cute and finally kelli and lightning are really sweet too!


The baby goats are one day old in this pic they're SOOO cute! the kitten we dubbed mittens he/she is SUCH a sweetie!!! gawsh in the next pict mittens looks EVIL Thne Nicole with her mandarin oranges lol its a really good pic. And tehre's mortimer again lol.


Okay these are some barnyard animals. the cow is norman, the pig is mortimer and the goats are goats. lol. more to come


Okay one is of me my cousin Maureen, my Uncle Tom, and My Uncle Pat and the other is of me Maureen, and Uncle Don

Sunday, August 14, 2005


LOL okay just found that pic. sorta mean doncha think?

The one of me was taken cause I wanted to see what my hat looked like on the side I was just gonna delete it later. So Emily and Felicia are in there by pure acciedent, I thought it was funny so I kept it


That's a SUPER cute pic of Mike and Marlene! It's like the only one i have where Marlene is aware of the picture being taken. :) hahaha Mike had to like bend all the way over to get them at the same height lol
Then that's Isaac again. Nice glasses. I've posted every pic i have of Isaac lol. Not intentional, they're all just funny, or good pics.
And sammy yet again HAPPY GRASS!!!


Beccy you take funny pics. they're not like BAD, but they just don't look like you!
That's Alyssa and Felicia, I think that's a super cute pic
I don't remember taking that pic of Jordan and Brian, I think that's when Mike took the camera, so I can't take credit for that pic lol


Okay, So, I think these are all REALLY good pictures of everyone in them. This makes up for Isaac's very odd one

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Okay so jordan put all these clothes pins in his hair the last day

Isaac has a REALLY long tongue

Tyler looks SO funny! Like he's SO gonna be a professional football player someday


There ya go Ryan I posted the pic I have of you lol
that's my kicking History teacher. HE WAS THE BOMB i'm dead serious i loved him to death. Mr. Knopf. Lol. not loved like THAT but he's super cool
Sam, I have SO many pics of you and this one KICKS
ps my new word is kicks


First is Hils. Hilary this is the ONLY pic i have of you :( BUT ITS SO GOOD so yay!
Second is of Sam. i LOVE this pic of her because she looks 1. Really happy and 2. Famous LOL
Third is Beccy. I LOVE this pic of beccy because you look like MODEL becks!